Moving an AWS Lambda between subnets


One of my VPC subnets filled up, so I had to move my Lambda functions into a new subnets, with more space. ENIs (Elastic Network Interfaces) that are automatically allocated for Lambda functions were taking up 50 IPs in my subnet and I needed them to be removed so other services using the old subnet would have free IPs available. Just updating the subnet values for all the Lambdas didn’t seem to be enough. There are extra steps you need to do:

Use the bash script (more detail below) to find Lambda versions you need to delete.

More detail

A useful tool is mentioned in this AWS “Why can’t I detach or delete an elastic network interface that Lambda created” support article. The tool is this bash script:

The script finds Lambdas (specifically versions of Lambda functions) that are still using the subnet and security group, which prevents the ENI from being cleaned up.

After I’d already updated all the Lambdas to use the new subnets (without doing the extra steps mentioned above), the script listed all the versions still keeping ENIs in the old subnet alive. This is when I figured out I need to publish new versions and delete the old ones. I don’t know if the subnet changes take effect when you save the changes or only once you publish a new version. I’m guessing the latter though.

Anyway, I went through the annoying task of publishing a new version of every Lambda, and deleting all the old versions. Then I ran the bash script again and got the message:

No manual changes to the ENI found. ENIs may take up to 20 minutes to be deleted. If this ENI is not deleted automatically in the next 24 hours then it may be ‘stuck’. If IAM roles associated with a VPC Lambda function are deleted before the ENI is deleted, Lambda will not be able to complete the clean-up of the ENI. If the ENI will not allow you to delete it manually after 24 hours then please contact AWS support and send them the output of this script.

I waited the 20 minutes and the ENIs were in fact deleted, yay! Some interesting points:

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