Running caddy for local HTTPS with self-signed/snake-oil cert

You have some HTTP service that listens on a port but doesn’t have HTTPS/SSL/TLS. You want to add HTTPS without touching the service. We’ll do that using caddy as a reverse proxy in front of your service, so all requests to caddy are forwarded to your service after HTTPS termintaion is done.

You could go to the effort to get certificates that are trusted by the CA included in most devices but it’s less effort to use self-signed (AKA snake-oil, because they’re not trust-worthy. Lookup “snake-oil salesperson” for more on that) certificates. The downside is you need to explicitly tell your tools to trust that certificate.

Install caddy

Follow the docs.

Make a dir for caddy stuff

mkdir ~/caddy-stuff
cd ~/caddy-stuff

Generate a cert/key:

Note: we’re using blah.local as the hostname, but you can also just use localhost.

openssl req \
  -x509 \
  -newkey rsa:4096 \
  -keyout key.pem \
  -out cert.pem \
  -sha256 \
  -days 365 \
  -nodes \
  -subj "/C=XX/ST=StateName/L=CityName/O=CompanyName/OU=CompanySectionName/CN=blah.local"
# thanks

Create a Caddyfile

Make a file name Caddyfile with the contents:

  http_port    8080
  https_port   8443
} {
  tls ./cert.pem ./key.pem
  reverse_proxy :1234

We specify overridden http and https ports so you don’t need superuser perms to bind to ports <1000. If you remove those directives, the defaults of 80 and 443 will take effect.

The :1234 directive is the address of your other service that we’re proxying. This syntax implies port localhost:1234. Change to suit the port you use.

Start your downstream service

Whatever thing you’re trying to add HTTPS to, start that service however you normally do it.

Start caddy

caddy run

Test it out

Now you can access your service via https:

curl -k https://blah.local:8443/whatever

You’ll get warning about the self-signed cert, so for curl with use -k to ignore that. In the browser, you’ll have to accept the warning.

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