Elecom Deft Pro Bearing Swap
Swap the ball bearings for better ones that make the device better for small movements
Yarn2 add from GitLab
How to install npm/yarn packages direct from a GitLab repo
Reduce Yarn 2 Verbosity
I think the default log output of yarn v2 is too verbose, so I show how to tame it.
Toilet paper roll chorded keyboard concept
TL;DR: Here’s a non-functioning concept of a handheld chorded keyboard. Recently I’ve been interested in chorded keyboards. Well, interested might be an understatement, it’s more like consumed. I tried a TapStrap v1, which unfortunately didn’t live up to my expectations. The main problem was the thing everyone fears about this product, the accuracy of recognising the taps. This led me to look at other options that use physical keys like the BAT Keyboard or the wonderful things the maker community comes up with.
TapStrap Key Mappings
The TapStrap is an interesting keyboard. It’s also not that cheap so it’s understandable if you’re apprehensive about buying it. I wanted to try the layout without buying the keyboard to see how it works for me. The first step is to find out what the layout is and my Google-fu let me down because I couldn’t find anything written. All the references tell you to use the TapGenius app (the app from here on).
Comparing Google Cloud Run and Compute Engine Costs
How much do you pay for convenience? TL;DR roughly 2.5x as much
More details from Chrome 'Aw snap'
Trying to get more details about why the page crashes
Disable individual icons with favicons-webpack-plugin
If you only want to disable some icons, like the really big Apple ones, here’s how
eRSA Tango Ubuntu VM setup
Get that newly provisioned VM running like you want.
Ball bearing homing bumps on keycaps
How to make your own homing keys with inset ball bearings.